[proFit-list] Batch plotting of vector field plots by script

riki riki80 at rediffmail.com
Thu Nov 29 05:08:03 CST 2012

Hi all,

I am wondering if there is a way (I'm sure there will be) to plot many (say one hundred) vector or scatter 

plots by Apple Script. Suppose I have a number of data files with different names and want to plot (2D) 

from data of column m and column n from each file. Moreover I also want to specify the axes labels, range, 

legends, etc. I can do all these things with Gnuplot by writing a script. But I do not how to do with Pro Fit. I 

am preferring plots of Pro Fit because they have very good quality than others. So could anybody tell me 

how to write a Apple Script (or Python program) to do batch plotting? Please take the case of vector field 

plots as it is some what more non-trivial. Thanking you.

Kind Regards,

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