[proFit-list] problem with SetDefaultCols

Fernando Bartolome bartolom at unizar.es
Thu Jul 14 12:10:39 CDT 2011

Dear Pro Fit team and users,

I'm trying to obtain the difference between two experimental curves. This is easy when both curves have been taken at the same abscissa, but if there is a shift between abscissae you have to correct this somehow. If the shits are small and the curves are sufficiently smooth, I've in the past used this code to do what is shown in the picture: I define the x and y columns (2*ik-1 and 2*ik in the example below) to fit with Spline, then I tell Transform to write the value of the Spline function with other column for the x  ( (2*num_wins+1) in the example) at the column (2*num_wins+1)+(ik)
for ik:=1 to num_wins do

	Transform (operation functionOp, function 'Spline', xColumn (2*num_wins+1), yColumn (2*num_wins+1)+(ik));
	tit := GetColumnProperty (2*ik,name);
	SetColumnProperties(col (2*num_wins+1)+(ik),  name tit +'_s');
However, this does not work. Transform writes down the same values all the time, as if  SetDefaultCols(2*ik-1,2*ik,0,0) wasn't there. It keeps the same values you gave the first run, and then they do not change anymore. Moreover, if you look at the data window, the red x and y, with blue "in" and "out" do move as expected... but the calculation of Spline does not. 
This program did work in the past (I'd say about 2 years ago, with 6.0 ?). Maybe there's some change in Pro Fit or in SetDefaultCols which I'm not aware of can be at the origin of this behaviour? 

Of course if I do this with one column if works... or if I do it by hand! It is the automation for more than one column of data (about 200!) what is breaking my head. 

I'm using Pro Fit 6.2.3 and 6.2.4 (my problem takes place with both)
in a 
Mac OS X 10.6.8, with a 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo and 4 Gb DDR3 RAM

Thanks for your support,



for ik:=1 to num_wins do

	Transform (operation functionOp, function 'Spline', xColumn (2*num_wins+1), yColumn (2*num_wins+1)+(ik));
	tit := GetColumnProperty (2*ik,name);
	SetColumnProperties(col (2*num_wins+1)+(ik),  name tit +'_s');


Fernando Bartolomé
Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón

tel: +34 976 762459
fax: +34 976 761229
email: bartolom at unizar.es

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