[proFit-list] Reading binary files

pro Fit Support profit at quansoft.com
Thu Oct 30 00:58:08 CDT 2008

Dear Davide

You need to create a plug-in to import binary files. The sources of  
the importers that come with pro Fit are not public, so we cannot  
share them. But you can start from the example plug-in that comes with  
pro Fit (Example Files/Programming 7 - plug-ins/Sources/C/Example  

You proceed basically as follows:

1. Duplicate the Example Plugin directory. Rename the directory as it  
suits you (e.g. MyImporter)

2. Modify MyImporter:

2a) In main.c, change the function SetUp to return isProgram in  
*moduleKind and to return a good name for your plug-in

2b) In main.c, change the function Run to import the file. It could  
e.g. look like this:

	Boolean				mustCloseFile=false;	// true if we have opened file
	short				refNum;			// file reference number
	FSRef				fileRef;
	ByteCount			size;
	HFSUniStr255 	dataForkName;	// the name of the data fork, to be used  
when opening a file with FSRefOpenFork

// let the user choose the file
	if (!MyGetFileRef(&fileRef, '****', '****'))
		goto done; // if user hit cancel or some other evil thing happened.

// open the file
	if (FSOpenFork(&fileRef, dataForkName.length, dataForkName.unicode,  
fsRdPerm, &refNum) != noErr) goto done;
	mustCloseFile = true;

// create a new data window, e.g.
	AddDoubleParam("\pnrRows", 1000);
	AddDoubleParam("\pnrCols", 3);

// read your file, e.g. an 8 byte double and write it to cell 1/1 of  
the data window
	double	d;

	if (FSReadFork(refNum, fsAtMark, 0, 8, &d, &size) != noErr) goto done;
	SetData(1, 1, d);

	if (mustCloseFile) FSCloseFork(refNum);

The function MyGetFileRef is defined in the file ModuleUtilities.c,  
which can be found at Example Files/Programming 7 - plug-ins/Utilities/ 
C/. You need to at that and its header file to the project.

Note: I have not tried to compile the above, so it may need some minor  
corrections. But I hope that this will help you to get started.



On 30.10.2008, at 05:56, Davide Guarisco wrote:

> Hello,
> 	I need to read data files in binary format. How can I do this in  
> pro Fit? Do I need to write a plug-in or is there some programming  
> functions that I can use?
> I looked at the pro Fit plug-ins>Plug-Ins written in C>Data import  
> folder, and there are some plug-ins that do import binary files. The  
> problem is that there is no source code for these plug-ins.
> Thanks,
>      Davide
> --
> Davide Guarisco_______________________________________________
> proFit-list mailing list
> proFit-list at quantum-soft.com
> http://quantum-soft.com/mailman/listinfo/profit-list_quantum-soft.com

Best regards

Kurt Sutter

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